Friday 19 January 2018

BlockChain - The Beginning

Blockchain—a kind of distributed ledger technology—has been described in the popular press as the next big thing. It is a data structure of cryptographically linked “blocks” of transactions that are virtually impossible to change or remove without being detected. Therein lies its strength.

Blockchain technology is the technology that allows users to maintain  a ledger having all transactions data and update them to maintain integrity when a new transmission occurs. It is a structured list that saves data in the form of a distributed database which is designed to make an arbitrarily manipulating it difficult since the network participants save and verify blockchain. 

An important part of blockchain is security related to the personal  key used in encryption. An attacker carries out various attempts to access a user’s person key stored in user’s computer or any device inorder to hack the bitcoin. The integrity of transactions can be verified through the public key based encryption of the hash value of transmission data.  

All transactions are logged and made available in a public ledger, helping ensure their authenticity and preventing fraud. Each time a transaction takes place, such as sender sending data to cloud storage or   receiver , the details of that deal including its source destination, timestamp, are added for refrence as a block . 

The validity of the transactions within the cryptographically protected block is then cheked and confirmed by the collective computing power of miners within the network.  

Blockchain works on the basis of elliptic curve digital signature algorithm. Since blockchain is a publicly available ledger. On an individual basis, these miners are computers which are configured to utilize their GPU and/or CPU cycles to solve complex mathematical problems, passing the block's data through a hashing algorithm until a solution is found. 

Once solved, the block and all of its respective transactions have been verified as legitimate. Rewards (bitcoin, in this example) are then divvied up among the computer or computers that contributed to the successful hash. 
The property of decentralization is the advantage of blockchaining the user data.

The records inside the chain aren’t stored in a single location and it is immutable by any single party. Implementation of blockchain technologycan create a verifiable record of any data.  


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